Comment 1
Comment 2
Title: Public Issues on Projected User Interface
Authors: Ju-Chun Ko, Li-Wei Chan, and Yi-Ping Hung
Venue: CHI EA 2010, April 10-15, 2010

I found this article interesting not only because I had never heard of this SixthSense device before, but also because I never thought about the personal implications of these devices. Being able to use any surface as a giant screen would be extremely useful in many situations, but with all of these drawbacks it is clear that work needs to be done on making them usable in public.
My roommate and I had a discussion on this, and we both wondered outside of size concerns, why these devices couldn't project onto a pair of glasses. Projecting onto this closer surface would give a similar "screen size" advantage due to human perception, while also allowing personal privacy to the viewer and avoiding many of these problems.
(Image courtesy of:
I wonder about their efficiancy in sun-lit areas. I also think that if they implement projections on glasses, that would be tricky to accomodate people with poor eye sight. It is a pretty cool project though...
ReplyDeleteIf you don't already know about it, you should check out the ARI from the PS3 game Heavy Rain, it uses something similar to what you were talking about with the glasses.